Commingling Calves and Respiratory Disease
We would like to invite farmers to keep a farmers’ day in their area regarding the study done in this particular article. This has been a very informative study and we think every cattle farmer can benefit from this. Please contact the Octavoscene Head Office if you are planning to hold such a day in your area. Dr Shaun Morris (BVSc (Hons) MSc Agric), Director of Octavoscene (Pty) Ltd, a specialist feedlot expert and veterinarian, would like to assist you with the training and we will help to make this event a very successful day. This is a relatively long article and the study is about the following topic: Effects of commingling beef calves from different sources and weaning protocols during a forty-two-day receiving period on performance and bovine respiratory disease D. L. Step*,3, C. R. Krehbiel†, H. A. DePra†, J. J. Cranston†; R. W. Fulton**, J. G. Kirkpatrick*, 5D. R. Gill†,M. E. Payton‡, M. A. Montelongo**, andA. W. Confer** 67*Departments of Veterinary Clinical Sciences and **Veterinary Pathobiology, Center for 8Veterinary Health Sciences;†Department of Animal Science, Division of Agricultural Sciences 9and Natural Resources;and ‡Department of Statistics, College of Arts and Sciences, Oklahoma 10State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. Approved for publication by the Director of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. This research was supported under project H-2438 and a grant from the Noble Foundation. The authors acknowledge R. Ball, B. Starr, and students from the Willard Sparks Beef Research Center for providing processing, animal care, and record keeping expertise, and Cattleco, […]